A Fork In The Road
Keynote Talk
“How Does One Choose Which Way to Go?”
We are all faced with challenges and critical decisions in our lives, both personal and professional. They all seem to come down to the proverbial “fork in the road” decision – which way is the best way?
Bob Logan has encountered many major forks in his road along his career path; as a football coach, a high school history teacher, a high-end mainframe computer sales manager, a collegiate director of athletics and as an assistant dean in a college of science. At first glance, none of these jobs seem at all connected in any way. How and why did he make these various decisions along the way?
This talk will help you learn how to recognize your own challenging “forks in the road” and how to best decide what to do. He then will then apply these lessons to show how some of the largest corporations in the US made bad business “fork in the road” decisions along their corporate path. You will learn that the best path results from knowing how to be the very best at what you do and apply those skills to whatever workplace and personal environment you face. Attendees will walk away with a feeling of empowerment and control over their own lives and will immediately be able to apply these lessons to their own individual situations.
Length of talk – 50 min